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🇨🇳 ChinA.I. 🤖🧠🦾🤖


Todd Smith

shared a link post in group #🇨🇳 ChinA.I. 🤖🧠🦾🤖

The World Robot Conference in Beijing highlighted China's efforts to lead in humanoid #Robotics Revolution 🦾🤖🦿 technology. Chinese companies are showcasing innovative components that lower production costs significantly. Wisson Technology (Shenzhen) employs 3D-printed plastics and pneumatic artificial muscles, allowing its robotic arms to be priced at about one-tenth of traditional robotic arms. Yi Gang, founder of Ti5 Robot, noted concerns about product reliability within the robotics supply chain, limiting production volumes to about 1,000 due to defect rates. The country’s robotics market is the largest globally and is transforming traditional sectors like manufacturing, automotive, agriculture, education, and healthcare.
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China robots conference spotlights the changing face of humanoids

China is trying to race ahead in humanoid robot development with cheaper and more innovative parts. Some executives say the industry has yet to improve product reliability.

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